¡¡ Campaña finalizada !!
Muchísimas gracias por vuestro apoyo, entre todos hemos logrado alcanzar nuestro objetivo.
Gracias por el apoyo recibido
17 de abril de 2024The Project: GreenFlush
Imagine a bathroom essential that doesn't just serve its purpose but also serves the planet. That's GreenFlush – a pioneering toilet hanger designed to elevate your toilet hygiene experience while protecting the environment. Our innovative product embodies a zero-waste philosophy, crafted to leave behind no trace, only the refreshing essence of nature.
About Us
We are GreenFlush, a Berlin-based entrepreneurial duo, Nadja and Vonni. Our expertise spans marketing and sustainable management, but our shared passion for environmental stewardship and healthy living is what truly defines us. GreenFlush is our heartfelt response to the environmental crisis, starting with the most intimate of daily routines: our bathroom habits.
Unique Aspects of Our Project:
- Eco-Integrity: Our project goes beyond mere product design; it's a commitment to global standards. GreenFlush contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically addressing Clean Water and Sanitation (#6), Responsible Consumption and Production (#12), Climate Action (#13), and Partnerships for the Goals (#17). We're not just reducing plastic use; we're eliminating it from our product lifecycle.
- Health-Conscious Composition: Our ingredients are selected for their natural properties, ensuring that your wellbeing is never compromised.
- Innovative Aromas: Move over, conventional scents; GreenFlush introduces a palette of modern, natural aromas that transform your bathroom experience.
Beneficiaries of GreenFlush:
- Eco-Focused Individuals: Those of you who are making daily choices with the planet in mind.
- Health-Minded Families: Parents and individuals looking to foster a chemical-free household.
- Progressive Organizations: Businesses intent on integrating green practices into their operations.
Supporting Benefits:
By supporting GreenFlush, you're not just funding a product; you're fostering a movement. You're helping to spearhead an initiative that champions sustainability and offers a tangible solution to the climate crisis.
Our three-month sprint includes:
- Finalizing in-depth market research and establishing our brand narrative.
- Developing the first batch of GreenFlush prototypes for testing.
- Laying the groundwork for strategic partnerships and community building.
Rewards for Support:
Backing GreenFlush isn't without its perks. Supporters can look forward to:
- Early access to product launches and insider updates.
- Exclusive merchandise that echoes our sustainable ethos.
- Opportunities to collaborate on future innovations and product iterations.
We invite you to join us on this journey to redefine toilet hygiene and make sustainable living a practical reality. Your support, whether through backing our campaign, partnering with
us, or spreading the word, is invaluable in bringing GreenFlush to the world. That is our biggest dream and greatest passion.
Help us turn a simple act of flushing into a statement for environmental change.
Because when nature calls, we answer responsibly.
Necesidades del proyecto
- Market and Customer Understanding: With a budget of 7.500 €, we're investing in market research to tailor GreenFlush to customer needs, utilizing expert analysis and sophisticated data tools.
- Brand Building and Marketing: Our marketing isn't just about selling a product; it's about starting a conversation on sustainable living, backed by a substantial budget that ensures our message is heard far and wide. Therefore we allocated 18.000 € to develop a strong brand identity and execute a strategic marketing plan. Specifically we need a Grafik Designer and a Content/ Creative Creator.
- Prototype Development: With a 15.000 € budget we're investing in creating and refining GreenFlush prototypes, iterating based on community feedback to perfect a product that meets your standards for sustainability and design. To do that in reality we are looking for a Chemist and Product developer to join our team and to find out which material can provide the best solution for GreenFlush.
- Partnerships and Networks: With 7.500 € dedicated to building our network, we're also seeking non-financial partnerships to expand our reach and resources. We need financial support for travel costs, entrance fees and the organization of community events.
Ayúdanos a difundir el proyecto compartiéndolo en tus redes sociales
Estos 27 aportantes ya han apoyado al Proyecto:

Dear supporters,
we are infinitely grateful for the numerous donations on the first two days of our campaign. Let‘s continue and spread the word about our campaign. Every help counts, thank you.
Much love, Yvonne & Nadja
Liebe Unterstützer,
wir sind unendlich dankbar für die zahlreichen Spenden an den ersten beiden Tagen unserer Kampagne. Lasst uns weitermachen und unsere Kampagne weiter bekannt machen. Jede Hilfe zählt, vielen Dank.
Alles Liebe, Yvonne & Nadja